The Crossroads of should and must
In April 2014, I came across an article on Medium called The Crossroads of Should and Must that completely changed the direction of my life. Long story short—I was unhappy and unfulfilled in my job, feeling the pressure to settle down. I kept choosing “should” over and over again (seriously, read the article!). In May 2014, I quit my corporate marketing gig with no backup plan. I freelanced for six months, and by November 2014, I had moved to Orlando with the goal of pursuing a more creative life. In December 2014, I landed a full-time graphic/web design gig for an author and speaker. For the first time in my professional life, I felt like I finally had the creative freedom I was so desperately craving. By October 2015, I was ready to jump back into painting.
In November 2015, I had this feeling—this foresight—that painting was going to become something meaningful to me. The idea of starting a creative autobiography popped into my head one day, so I began asking my dad some questions about what I was like as a child.
Did we read a lot? What was I into?
We read a lot before you went to bed, but you liked to just read by yourself most of the time. I still have that Jolly Mon book. You read my magazines mostly when you didn’t have a New World magazine or something. You were probably one of the few kids reading Spin, Rolling Stone, and Reggae Report...
When did I start being creative? Was I good? When did you realize I had talent?
You were just kind of artsy and creative… it was always good, and I never questioned it. You’re still that little coloring and pot-stirring girl…
How do you think music influenced me as a child?
In all ways… music, food, family, and friends every day. I just figured it would make you a well-rounded listener of good music. We recorded demo tracks during birthday BBQs, even with live instruments! It was bound to sink into you somehow, giving you broad taste and a discerning ear.
What was your dream for me? As a Dad, what did you want me to experience?
OPTIONS AND TO MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICES. You had lots of cultural and socio-economic exposure and all the ingredients to make a grown Gigi… so, I never worried. Good job!
What were some of my habits as a kid?
If you had any habits worth speaking of… I’d say thaaaat you tried a lot of things once. That’s it! Everything you did (tennis, cello, softball, etc.), you seemed to just want to try it… do it well, and leave it alone. I always thought it just added to your well-rounded life, so it was cool with me. LOL!
What were my fears?
As far as I can tell… Gigi ain’t ’fraid of shit.